Improvements to the CHAT function in Janium/ENKI

Published in
3 min readSep 14, 2017


versión en español

Responsive Web version

The time has come to update the CHAT function to a responsible web version. This update enables the use of mobile devices and workstation for CHAT users.

Every previous feature available in the legacy CHAT client is available in the current release, plus some new features.

CHAT for anonymous users in the OPAC

Users that log into the OPAC may start a CHAT conversation even though they have not logged into the User Services tab.

The system identifies the CHAT user by the session ID and opens a communications channel with the library staff.

Assignment of specific users to CHAT topics

There is a new feature to assign CHAT channels to specific staff members. This feature may be used to define expert staff members to answer about specific topics, including searches to the public catalog.

Example for assisting inquiries via tags

Selected search tags are linked to a CHAT channel attended by a knowledgeable staff member. The staff member can assist users with their inquiries.

Access to the CHAT channel for an expert staff member is present in the summary results page for the tag or from the full record display if the record has a tag with the CHAT channel enabled.

In the following example, the button to open a conversation with an expert staff member is alongside the tag.

Records with tags associated with CHAT channels show a button next to the tag to start a conversation.

Examples of user support with CHAT channels

The option of directing CHAT conversations to specific staff members opens the way to specialized user services.

For example, in a screen with options for user support, a CHAT channel can be configured to open a conversation with a staff user from the Records and Academic Department, to answer questions related to matriculation.

Another option could be to direct a CHAT channel to a faculty member to answer questions from his students. The URL link may be embedded with the selected bibliography for the course in an e-learning system.

Asynchronous attention service

As mentioned earlier, every feature of the previous version of the CHAT function is present in the new release.

If a user attempts to start a conversation with an unavailable expert staff member, he will receive a notification with the status of the expert or a reminder of the service hours for the CHAT channel.


The user can download a transcript of the CHAT conversation at the end of a session.

This feature gains relevance to keep a copy of the information exchange with an expert staff member. The CHAT function can be used as a tool for research and dissemination.



On a mission to develop solutions that facilitate access to information / Con la misión de desarrollar soluciones que facilitan el acceso a la información.